My art - Instead of a flower/ Nature of emotions

Instead of a flower/ Nature of emotions

Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 13, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 14, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 7, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 9, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 10, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 11, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 12 - Moving blue, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Woźniak, Red glow, akryl na płótnie, 40x40cm, 2018 r. - in private collection :)


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 5, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 4, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 3, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 15, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available 


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower 2, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018 - available 


Mag Wozniak, Instead of a flower, Passion, acrylic on canvas, 40x40 cm, 2018, private collection


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