My art - Natura emocji/ Nature of emotion / Nature des émotions - series

Mag Wozniak - Natura emocji/ Nature of emotion / Nature des émotions -  series

Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Wild red

acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2019 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Lueur bleue/ Blue Glow

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Lumière bleue/ Blue Light

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Bleue/ Blue

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Bleu profond/ Deep blue

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Lueur rouge profondDeep red glow

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Jaune profondDeep yellow

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018  - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Lumière rouge/  Red light

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in privet collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Lumière turquoise/ Turquoise light

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Nature of emotions/ Natura emocji - Turquoise, akryl na płótnie, 100x80cm, 2018 - obraz dostępny

Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions


, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Lueur jaune/ Yellow Glow

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018  - in private collection


Mag Wozniak, Natura emocji/ Nature des émotions/ Nature of emotions

Lumière jaune/ Yellow light

, acryl on canvas , 100x80cm, 2018 - in private collection



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