My publications

Moje publikacje/ My publications

Pangea Magazine 2015 - 2016

Wnętrze i ogród:
2012.03 - Design the bathroom of your dreams in 5 steps
2012.01 - Design the kitchen of your dreams in 5 steps
2011.11 - Model house
2011.09 - The wall is fashionably dressed
2011.07 - Wall artifacts
2010.06 - Glamour for two
2010.03 - On the border of colors

2011.03 - Art and artifacts
2011.01 - Fashion & Home
2010.11 - The art of floor
2010.11 - Maison & Objet Paris
2010.09 - Sourronded by art
2010.06 - Art & functionality
2010.04 - Positives & negatives
2010.02 - Maison & Objet 2010
2009.12 - Italian design classics
2009.06 - Mediolan 2009
2009.03 - Maison & Objet 2009

2011.11 - Art & Artifacts

2010.09 - Art and functionality

Dom projekt wewnątrz:
2010.03 - Niagara of ideas
2009.05 - Salvador Dali from extravagant art to interior design


2009.05 - Maison & Objet 2009


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