
TIMING - Mag Wozniak photography & paintings exhibition in the Galleri Zeitgeist/ Uppsala

  TIMING - Mag Wozniak photography & paintings exhibition Galleri Zeitgeist Saluhallen, Vattugränd 1, 753 10 Uppsala Vernissage - open day on October 22, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 17:00 the artist will perform a PERFORMANCE Fri. Timing - in the web of time. The exhibition runs until October 28. “But now it's not just now. Now is also a cool reminder: all day later than yesterday, a year later than last year. Each now is marked with a date, which makes everyone obsolete before that, until - later - maybe - no, maybe not - for sure: it will be. " - Christopher Isherwood, A Single Man At the exhibition in Galleri Zeitgeist, I will present photos from two series: Timing and Enduro, which were created mainly as part of various photographic projects with camera shift, Body Language Painting and an installation prepared especially for this exhibition. The title of the exhibition TIMING is the literal and metaphorical common denominator of all the presented works and draws ...

TIMING – Mag Wozniak photography and paintings exhibition in the Galleri Zebra

  TIMING – Mag Wozniak photography and paintings exhibition Galleri Zebra , Södertälje, Sweden Vernissage – open day on September 4, 2021 from 12:00 – 18:00 The exhibition is open until September 10 from 12:00 – 17:00 “But now isn’t simply now. Now is also a cold reminder: one whole day later than yesterday, one year later than last year. Every now is labeled with its date, rendering all past nows obsolete, until – later of sooner – perhaps – no, not perhaps – quite certainly: it will come. „ Christopher Isherwood, A Single Man During the exhibition in Galleri Zebra in Södertälje, Mag Wozniak will present photos from 3 series: Timing, Enduro, Portraits, mostly made as parts of Camera Shift photo projects, Body language painting and an installation specially prepared for this exhibition. The title of the exhibition TIMING is the literal and metaphorical common denominator of all the presented works and draws attention to the multidimensional perception of time depending on the subje...

The Universe of Colour - the last exhibition in the series, Metamorfozy Art Gallery

THE UNIVERSE OF COLOUR at the METAMORFOZY Gallery in Warsaw. On March 22, 2021, at the Metamorfozy Gallery in Warsaw, the final exhibition of the series of national art exhibitions entitled Color universe. The UNIVERSE OF COLOUR project is an artistic concept combining the initiatives of Power of Art and Eviva L'Arte. The co-organizer of the project is also the "POZYTYWY" Foundation for Culture and Integration. The concept arose from the need to combine various creative concepts, specific works and create a new context for them in gallery spaces in Poland. The title UNIVERSE OF COLOUR refers to both the language of expression and the direction of research, as well as the area of ​​encounter - artistic integration, artistic dialogue between artists and their art. The exhibition emphasizes the individuality of each of the creators, but also draws attention to the relationships and points of contact between individual creative concepts and the mutual relations of visual f...

Warsaw is a Woman. SHE – virtual reality photography exhibition

  Warsaw is a Woman. SHE – virtual reality photography exhibition. Warsaw is a Woman. SHE / S pectacular – H eroic – E ducated Power of Art VR Gallery Photographer : Mag Wozniak Fashion Designer : Agnieszka Wyrwał/Aga Pou The Heroines : The Debutantes Project curator: Agnieszka D. Michalczyk The Exhibition : 8 March – 9 April 2021 Opening : 8 March at 7 pm online The exhibition promotes the women of Warsaw, their courage, independence and ambition. It emphasizes the importance of education, self – awareness and the pursuit of dreams, never compromising our integrity and always remembering who we are. “Warsaw is a woman. SHE” points to possibilities not limitations. SHE creates a positive energy essential in today’s world and awakens the inner beauty dormant in every woman. The “Warsaw is a Woman” photoshoot took place during the VII th edition of the charitable and educational Programme called the Debutantes. The photographer is Mag Wozniak who is also a painter. ...

1st Biennale of Polish Diaspora in Sweden

On December 2, 2020, the chapter - the 1st Biennale of Polish Diaspora in Sweden organized by "Polska Riksförbundet i Sverige" announced the competition. There were several categories - I aspired to: Poland of tomorrow and I submitted 3 artistic photos from my latest series Warsaw is a woman - in the context - Poland of tomorrow is women - and I took 3rd place in the Poland of tomorrow category! ❤ Thank you very much: Agnieszka D. Michalczyk and Aleksandra Kieres - without you there would be no this session! Models - wonderful participants of the DEBUTANTS program:  Dominika Sękowska/ Klaudia Sarnacka / Klaudia Ziółek Fashion design - Aga Pou Grzegorz Duży for beautiful hair styles Beauty Art - Beata Małachowska's Make-up Schools for make-up

Wszechświat Koloru - kolejna odsłona projektu - wystawa w Centrum Kultury BROWAR B we Włocławku

WSZECHŚWIAT KOLORU w  Centrum Kultury BROWAR B we Włocławku 27 listopada  o godz. 1 8.00  w  Ga l erii  S ztuki SUSZARNIA  działającej w  C entrum Kultury BROWAR B  w e   Włocławku   odbył się  wernisaż  online na kolejn ej  ekspozycj i  z cyklu  ogólnopolski ch  wystaw sztuki pt.  Wszechświat Koloru . Obszerna relacja z wystawy - zdjecia, film oraz elektroniczny katalog wystawty: Projekt WSZECHŚWIAT KOLORU to koncept artystyczny łączący inicjatywy Power of Art i Eviva l’Arte. Współorganizatorem projektu jest także Fundacja Na Rzecz Kultury i Integracji "POZYTYWY". Koncept  powstał z potrzeby zestawienia jednocześnie  różnych  koncepcji twórczych, konkretnych prac i stworzenia dla nich nowego kontekstu w przestrzeniach galeryjnych w Polsce. Tytuł  WSZECHŚWIAT KOLORU   odnosi się zarówno do języka wypowiedz...